The nameplate coming from the generator of Powiśle power plant in Warsaw. Inscriptions: "Polskie Fabryki Maszyn i Wagonów (Polish Machine and Railway Wagon Factories) in Kraków, Lwów and Sanok L. Zieleniewski S.A. Kraków Factory. The Babcock-Wilcox system. Heating area of 850 m². 13 atmospheres. № 1186 . Official №. Year 1928”. The Kraków factory was one of the oldest machine-building companies in Poland. The company was established in 1804 as part of Paweł Nowakowski's forge in Kraków, where after his death, the plant was taken over by Warsaw blacksmith Antoni Zieleniewski. After Antoni's death, the plant was taken over by his son Ludwik Zieleniewski, after whom it was named. At the turn of the decade, the company grew steadily. In the interwar period it also gained branches in Lwów, Siemianowice, Sosnowiec, Dąbrowa Górnicza and Sanok. The company had its share in the investments of the Central Industrial District. Moreover, the plant in Sanok itself was an important enterprise of the CID. On its basis, the Fabryka Obrabiarek "Nowy Sanok" (Factory of Machine Tools "Nowy Sanok") was established, where the production of the heaviest machine guns (HMG) of Polish design was initiated. In 1928, the company acquired its most historically recognizable name, "Zjednoczone Fabryki Maszyn i Wagonów L. Zieleniewski i Fitzner-Gamper S.A." ("United Mechanical and Railway Wagon Factories L. Zieleniewski and Fitzner-Gamper S.A.").
Time of creation:
interwar period
Inventory number:
Producer / author:
Polskie Fabryki Maszyn i Wagonów w Krakowie, Lwowie i Sanoku L. Zieleniewski S.A. Fabryka Krakowska
Technique of execution:
height 45 cm, width 70 cm